Upscalator Downscalator

Episode 65
Our Noisiest Episode Ever!  (So Far.)  
Word of the Week: Sweet Spot  
The Magical Musical Mayhem of the 1985 Casiotone MT-100
Yesterday’s Weather Forecast:  Silver Spring, Maryland  
Whoopie Roadtrip:  Wheaton Metro Station Escalator  
Daddy’s Mind is full of #oldjello
Our caller is like Hard Rock Candy – Filled with Love and Glee!  
Random Statements Shouted and Followed by a Gong!  
My dog’s feet smell like corn chips!  
Special Celebrity Guest:  The Dublin Racket Club  
“Little Chocolate Donuts!” for Yuns, Youse Guys, and Y’all

The Whoopie Chicken Podcast Show is a funny, family friendly podcast for kids and their parents – made by a kid and her parent. Laugh & learn fun facts with Athena and her sidekick, Daddy. Music, jokes and infotainment.